Friday Pulse

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Kids Help Phone has teamed up with Friday Pulse to measure and learn about wellbeing at work!

Friday Pulse is designed to help every team be proactive about their happiness and work culture. We let Friday Pulse know how we feel and the platform gives us all rich data back, informed by the science of wellbeing. This is intended to fuel conversations with our team to inform strategies and actions throughout our organization about our collective wellbeing and what contributes to it or detracts from it….week in and week out!

Friday Pulse is an important part of our *YOU MATTER* well-being program at Kids Help Phone. It is a weekly survey that will help us measure and improve well-being at Kids Help Phone. There are two types of surveys that are part of Friday Pulse:

  1. During the first week, all staff answer a 15-question Culture Profile that captures the strengths of each team and our entire organization. This Culture Profile is completed once a quarter and is designed to help us make meaningful improvements to employees’ experience working at Kids Help Phone.
  2. Starting the second week, all staff will receive a 2-minute Well-being Pulse. In this weekly survey you will be asked how things have gone for you that week, and you will also be given the chance to share your ideas, successes, frustrations, and/or gratitude.

When we tell our employees that they matter to us, we really mean it. In order to make sure that our strategies, goals, and communications are truly aligned with your needs, we need to stay connected. Friday Pulse enhances and broadens our ability to listen and collaborate across the organization.

All employees are invited to complete the Friday Pulse Culture Profile starting on January 21, 2021. They survey will be open for a week and our goal is 80% participation. Starting January 28, all employees will be invited to complete the Well-being Pulse. To accommodate shifts, the survey will be open from Thursday until Tuesday each week and team results will be available in your Friday Pulse dashboard by Wednesday.

Your Role (All Employees)

  • Answer each question honestly. Your opinions really matter to us. Some parts of the survey will be anonymous (for example your scores to the Culture Profile and the weekly well-being survey), while others will be made public (when you share your ideas, successes, frustrations and gratitude with the team).
  • Encourage your peers to participate.
  • Review your team’s scores and help us take action on the feedback that’s provided.

Your Role (Leaders and Managers)

  • Model positive behaviors by participating in Friday Pulse yourself (fill out the surveys and thank colleagues, celebrate success, share ideas & frustrations).
  • Be ready to discuss your team’s results and take action on feedback that is provided.
  • Remind staff that participating in Friday Pulse enables KHP to make improvements. We’re aiming for 80% participation rates!
  • Utilize the tools provided to you to discuss your team’s results on a weekly basis. These discussions demonstrate that the feedback you are receiving truly does matter.
  • When a team member chooses not to participate, talk to them directly to understand their choice and what you can do to increase their engagement. Inform your manager/director so you can work together on how to make sure your employees know they matter.

How to facilitate a team discussion

*YOU MATTER* Resources & Materials